Shadow Ridge Analytics LLC

Our Company


Elle Gahl

Elle is the President and Founder of Shadow Ridge Analytics LLC. Her love for American entrepreneurship inspired her to take the leap into technology licensing and commercialization in 2020. When she’s not engrossed in patent literature, you can find her in the mountains with her husband, three children, and black lab.

Christie Bell

Christie Bell is a highly sought after and well respected federal technology licensing professional. SRA is lucky to have her on the team, providing key insight regarding technology transfer, intellectual property management, and SBIR and TABA support. Christie loves traveling the nation with her family and searching for the next real estate investment.


Paige Anderson

Paige is one of SRA’s expert market analysts and provides comprehensive qualitative and secondary research insights. She is also highly skilled in licensing and technology transfer recruitment, identifying great partnerships for both private companies and federal laboratories. Paige has a unique Native American background and has a passion for serving Indian nations across the US.

Morgan Weidow

Morgan brings a dynamic combination of medical industry background and business intuition. She is a solid contributor to all SRA advanced research, patent analysis, and TABA support projects. When she is not providing awesome insight for her clients, Morgan is out sharing her love for running with youth in her community.


Juliane Bergmann

Juliane is SRA’s go-to expert in technology marketing, technical writing, and communications. She has a knack for translating complex technology concepts into compelling stories and business opportunities. Juliane was born and raised in Germany, making her communications gift even more impressive!

April Davis

April is an invaluable contributor across all SRA services. She keeps projects on task and under budget all while juggling Elle’s random requests throughout the day. Her background in veterinary science is also utilized for SRA’s life and animal science intellectual property assessments. April loves hunting and hiking with her black lab and enjoying Montana’s pristine lakes in the summer.

Olivia Keith

Olivia has a keen eye for visualization and copywriting. She has her touch on almost all SRA content creation and is a key handler of all things administration. Olivia can be found in the beautiful Pacific Northwest crafting and jamming out to her dad’s extensive record collection.